Tips for installing s-spring buttons on clothing.
How to remove unnecessary buttons?
Best use bacareza:
To top button
gently crushed relentlessly and had a snack. But not for one approach, and several times PowerArchiver bacares at an angle of 90 degrees, gradually deforming the spring portion of the button. So not degrade the fabric.
For the lower part of the button
Crushed relentlessly button, then turn bacares at an angle of 90° and again crushed relentlessly.
Note: For maximum convenience in the work of the buy side cutter with a very flat bottom.
Acoraceae the tubular leg of a button.
Sometimes the problem arises when you meet non-standard buttons. Or too high the leg of a button, or a thin layer of fabric. When installing the metal just does not fit in the spring of the button.
(Many companies make buttons for different thickness of fabric)
To the right is a standard part of the button Ø 15 mm, left with a long leg.
Using bacareza bite them extra metal.
Then use the pliers to make a round tube.
To the hole to make a round - calibrated anchor or center punch.
Get the desired result . Useful for installing any type of buttons.
Increasing the diameter of the cylindrical rod caps button.
It happens that the tubular rod caps button is slightly smaller than the working part of the nozzle. Slightly increase the diameter.
If the button is poorly installed.
The tubular part of the button was not relevant to the nozzle and didn't rasvalivalas. .
Thin screwdriver around the circumference ethibel inside edge of the metal tubes.
Applicable Embassy key or any thin hexagonal rod,
Using hammer of the sealed metal spring inside of the button. The strength of the button from this operation does not decrease.
Check - fastened button, if not a full commit, additionally sealing the metal to obtain the desired result.
Why break button?
S-spring button cracking due to high stress when installing the buttons.
They show that excessively increased, the opening spring of the button. And a tubular stem caps button just fell out. Causes of soft thin metal spring of the button and when installed in the press under pressure it is deformed. The rod cap has a small area expanding . It turns out a very small area of adhesion between the parts of the button , and eventually it breaks down and falls apart. When installing the buttons you need to consider these factors.
Best beading - when the straw hats buttons resultatives “petals”
It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the tubular rods hats buttons have different diameters.
Before you install button to check the compatibility of the diameters of the two parts of the button. If the leg of the cap is much smaller than the diameter of the spring of the button or part of a ring button , it can lead to marriage in the work.
Try not to use buttons with brass tubes caps:
made in PRC. Very soft metal, the button does not stay long.
Often break button from cast metal. The reason is the same, excessive load when you install button. When working with this type of buttons you should keep high attention that no sharp effort, only a smooth increase of loading on the press during installation. More tenderness.