Installation tips ring spring.
Marriage in detail ring buttons.
Example 1: a Defect button: item buttons were without locking ring.
the button with the marriage - no ring spring,
and so should be
Example 2: the Product on which very little was recorded of the ring button. Careful investigation revealed that the lower part of the button is not convex bezel for fixing.
Standard detail bezel for fixing buttons.
Removed defective parts, the established quality. All well recorded.
Tip: Before installation check the details button.
Revision of details ring buttons.
Sometimes there is a need to strengthen the hold. Proceed as follows:
Appearance before deformation
slightly compressible pliers
Result: slightly oval bottom part of the button. If you pinch more than you need - you can fix it: PowerPro gently squeeze the pliers and push the button to its original state. You can exercise in your free time.
Installing the front part of the button with shank diameter mm
A situation arises when you need to put a ring with a button cap having a tubular portion with a diameter of 3 mm , and the Cup has a hole diameter 4 mm
if you just razvalivat on the press button is loose and eventually it will just fall apart.
. slightly resultshowever tubular shank button with a hammer and rod-cone.
collect button on the press, add the gasket - ring eyelet Ø 3 mm
Here is the result! However the time is spent more than installing a regular button.
How to remove unnecessary button?
Best use bacareza:
To top button
gradually compressed and the rotatable bacares at an angle of 90° again compressible. Ready.
For the lower part of the button is a little more complicated - it is important to capture bocaraton click on diameter and maximum wide angle
Crushed relentlessly
Then input one cheek of bacareza under the base of the button and gently compressed. For once, can not turn out, crumple the metal until you fall off. Practice will succeed.
Often a situation arises when you need to remove a few buttons that would sew a new castle in the jacket or jacket. Then the bottom part of the button you need to reinstall.
Such work has to be performed frequently.
Note: For maximum convenience in the work of the buy side cutter with maximally flat cheeks
Рекомендуемый набор насадк - пуансонов:
To install buttons with a diameter of 15mm - nozzle setup button №61 "Tayci" production of Turkey or Germany
To install buttons with a diameter of 10.5 mm - set of accessories for installation button ring spring diameter 12.5 mm.