Installation diagram of the ring spring buttons on the hand pump. Instruction. Examples of installation.
The appearance of the nozzle-ring button № 61 “Tayci production in Turkey.
This is to install the top of the buttons:
These are for installing the bottom of the buttons:
The working part of the upper nozzle has a smaller diameter.
In the nozzle to the top of the button, which is now sold, installed silicone bezel
No bezel look like this: Of course a matter of taste, but it is more convenient to work without bezel, for Example: if the disturbed alignment, it is impossible to accurately combine the two parts of the button
If the alignment of the press is not respected: Not a problem, loosen the threads in 2 turns, and in the process of installing the button-directed hand upper nozzle while pressing the lever press.
In Big Accessories produce punches to install ring buttons the size of 14 mm, articles: 81301-90 part a, 81002 part, 81003-90 part, 81004 part D. Sold individually.
Synopsis: Media production in Turkey have 6 mm inch thread at the top movable rod.
Media production Greece Big Accessories are 6 mm metric threads.
Therefore, the nozzle - punches cannot vzaimozamenjat.
Installation scheme circular buttons:
A) install the front part of the button
B) Install the lower part of the button
Examples of installation of the ring spring buttons:
Order: set ring buttons on the straps.
Validate the markup for the buttons.
Check the layout horizontally and vertically.
Never trust the markings made by the customer. Punched holes in the top of the button.
Install the upper part of the button press and hold down, then slowly bring the lever press. Consistently set all of the front buttons.
Installed first the lower part of the button. Fastened to it, and validate the markup under the lower part of the button.
Carefully press the cap button and you will see a place to install the second part of the button:
In the same sequence set all the buttons.
The order is ready.
Chinese nozzle plug to install the ring spring buttons made in such a way that you would install all the parts of the buttons.
The length of the nozzle, together with the thread 32 mm, Ø working part 6 mm Thread inch Ø 8 mm, it is not difficult to change a ratio to a thread diameter of 6 mm, the Turkish press.